I am a junior at Poland Regional High School, and I have noticed that there is a particularly big interest in my school. It is constantly making headlines. I must say that it is a very unique high school. One thing that makes my school stand out from all others is that it requires every junior to write the dreaded public policy paper.

This paper is a big deal here at Poland High, and is usually talked about by the teachers once we start our freshman year. The public policy paper is a 6-to-12 page essay about any current public policy issue that interests the student. Some topics that have been written about in the past include gay rights, stem-cell research, euthanasia and lab testing on animals. This paper is dreaded by almost every student in my high school, but everyone comes out of it with a greater understanding of public issues and the government.

It gives our young minds a chance to analyze important issues that we face today.

Poland Regional High School is quite different than many surrounding high schools, but it gives students a chance to expand their minds in a way that other schools may not.

Erica Gagnon, Poland

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