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December 21A memorial vigil honored Brett Staples and highlighted the urgent need for local resources to address homelessness in the community.
December 21Police arrested a 39-year-old woman Friday in connection with what was ruled a homicide but have yet to release the name of the 14-year-old victim.
December 21'We do it for the love of Christmas, seeing families coming out and keeping the tradition alive.'
December 21The Santa Visits Oxford organizers will deliver gifts to children.
December 21It's important to stay prepared as climate change makes river flooding more severe — so here's how FEMA recommends people get ready.
December 21Last December's flood was the fifth-highest ever recorded in Hallowell, but will the city be ready for the next one?
Safety issues are cited in the makeover where Skeetfield Road and Main Street meet.
Even after 75 years of practice, getting presents to thousands of children still requires a bit of luck, and sometimes an unexpected trip to the mall.
State Rep. Stephan Bunker, D-Farmington, spoke to the Select Board to outline his legislative priorities and encourage residents to engage with him on state issues.
December 21The bill was approved 366-34 and now goes to the Senate, for expected quick passage.
December 20Selectmen voted to work with three owners to develop repayment plans for 21 Gagnon St., 46 Knapp St. and 12 Bellaire Drive.
December 20The voter-approved restrictions on political action committees were to take effect on Dec. 25, but the state agreed to a 5-month delay as a legal challenge works its way through the court system.
December 21The 21-member group will look at how to prepare the state's economy and workforce for opportunities and risks related to the technology.
December 20Republicans leaders in the House and Senate seized on Thursday's letter of no confidence in the Office of Child and Family Services director to criticize the Mills administration.
Forage Market decorates its Giving Tree helps those at-risk in the community.